
30 August 2022

Having the mind of God

Healing, peace, nourishment and so on are disturbances to many. They do need some troubles in order to be at ease so that attacking on them they find their existence. if there is no trouble at all they may imagine, suspect or accuse some problems. Peace and reconciliation, what have you to do with us? they might ask. Life disturbs them.

The will of God is that all have life. It has to be the mind of anyone who says, 'your will be done.' To know the mind of God and to realise it in our life, we have received the Holy Spirit. The sign of the Spirit's presence is that we have the same mind of Christ.

Often Spirit is imagined to be power based, and rarely life based. Power is a craze and life is a ever comforting thirst. Life is an embrace. If we want to experience God, forget about all power images, earthquake, lightning, explosion, command, rule, conquer and so on. Instead, ask for the grace to imitate life patterns around.

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