
20 August 2022

Redeem the kingdom of God

Throughout centuries, especially in recent years people have migrated to an alternative mental stage and call it as the kingdom of God. They find everything supernatural, godly, pure, holy, and perfect there. The unfortunate level of it is that these mental stages are projected to large crowds if some are able to convince others flocking in religious circle. Our temptation to imagine Godly abode as a perfect world, as a transcendent experience rejects God-with-us experience.  

The nature of the kingdom of God that Jesus introduced to was not a superperfect, transcendent world. We did not have to wait for death to enter there. It was all about our trust in God, confidence in being in the hands of God. This sense of care received also places us in responsibility of mutual care of one another. So the experience of the kingdom of God is in the sense of providence, care, protection from God as we are children, and in the sense of gratitude for what we receive, and in the generosity, compassion, solidarity and justice they evoke. It does not become a matter of concern what will happen after death, whether we live for ever or we continue to be what we are and how etc. That is a matter in the providence and love of God. Even in the moments of pain there is hope in God. But we cannot be blind to the unjust pain inflicted to our brothers and sisters by some unjust system. It is part of the seeking of the righteousness of the kingdom to stand by the victims and hunger and thirst for justice along with the suffering people. The experience of the kingdom, in short, is living as the children of God. 

We have rejected the kingdom of God that Jesus introduced by picturing it in metaphysical categories. Today the concept of the kingdom of God itself is in need of redemption bringing it into really humane or natural frame. It is necessary towards the way for the future. 

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