
19 August 2022

to generate a renewed conscience

The Church must prioritize its efforts to generate a renewed conscience in humanity to be united in one heart facing the coming catastrophic events. Let us say, such disasters may hit us from five years from now, but preparations for such calamities are to be taking place now. It is gradual and deep process to form a conscience, and to break the existing boundaries is not an easy task.
Governments in their part, may have to rethink of policies to ensure necessities for a simple living of everyone. Their lives and livelihood do matter. Though always the rich are ensured lifeboats, they cannot find safety anymore. The time for annual gimmicks of planting trees is over. Corporates succeeded in downplaying the impacts of their 'development' on our habitat. Now the trees cannot take roots, water cannot find its freshness.
Fake faces of religions act very powerfully in society though we might say that religions have gone away. If at all religions have to make a relevant contribution, they need to have a metareligious role to play now at the depth of human heart. We may expect a miracle like exodus. But in reality, we will have to walk through fire and water. Only a humanity walking together in compassion and solidarity shedding all the barriers can pass through the crisis.
How do our congregations, youth movements, organizations ... bring into their planning the 'mission' of motivating the generation of renewed conscience formed with fraternity, love, compassion, solidarity ... Are we still comfortable in the safety of an imperial system continuing to make plans for its survival and control of others?

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