
21 August 2022

Simple Faith

What qualifies the simple faith? Is it believing anything blindly or doing anything without any further thought just because something is said to be in relation with God or religion? Does every religious or even very pious practice necessarily lead us to God?

Simple faith is about the surety or the confidence one finds because of one's deeper trust in God. Being pious or learning strict observance of devotional practices without that trust is not simple faith. If it was fine, any superstition can be called as simple faith. Younger generation today are in a danger of falling prey to it. They are led to a world of gods and piety, and made to believe that they are in a holy and godly space. They are led to a hallowed realm not at all in touch with the daily realities where God actually speaks. They are deceived.

If we are humans, we need the natural world first, not the religious world. Children wearing saints' clothing, always saying prayers, writing Bible do not necessarily find their souls. They need to have the sight of mountains, birds, and flowers, they need the joy of playing in streams, they need affection of human hearts. It is there they find the tender touch of God and moulding of their souls.

We need our touch with others and nature to have a deep inner self, to feel the grandeur, beauty, depth, and providence. Every time doing the act of 'praying' or only doing divine things is in fact keeping the real presence of God away. The holy space is only an alternative mental world we ourselves have created. We need to learn to trust. Only trust can generate simple faith.

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