
18 September 2022

The insincere steward

The parable of the insincere steward seems to me a sarcastic warning on a possible tragedy. It is tragic to wait for a fortune that will never come. Those who expect eternal homes by corrupt and crooked means will never have it in the kingdom of God. Every time and age show its own tricks to excel, conquer and rule the business of the world. So the temptation for the children of light always is to adapt the 'successful' path of the children of this age.

The steward who squandered the property of his master does not deserve any appreciation. He uses his cleverness/cunningness to make his future safe by unjust and insincere ways when he was sure he is going to be out of his office. making his future safe, being wasteful with the property, he is causing damage. The people who take the benefit of that damage also show a corrupt system of compromising and taking pleasure in the evil things. In fact, who will come to take him home once out of office? He was not doing any virtuous deed, but he was wasting the master's property.

In all ages, 'the children of this age' are cleverer than the children of light. Every age has its own strategy of success, whether it be in politics in matters of power or in business in matters of money. It is not at all necessary that they have to be in the path of light, truth and justice. Not to chose those paths is a foolishness. but it is there the foolishness of the children of light becomes greater than the wisdom of the children of light.
The lesson at the end of the parable is that no one can serve both God and money. The rich fool nurtured an emptiness in hoarding his richness. Here this insincere steward follow a corrupt conscience in misusing the property for the safety of his future. We need to take these parables into the line of Jesus' instructions to his disciples teaching them 'how not to be' with regard to money and power.

It is through the narrow gate that we can be sure of eternal homes. The foolishness of the Gospel is the path there. With all crook and tricks the children of this age might be ruling the world. The temptation is to follow the same path. Corrupt strategies and skills of success are very much accepted today. We can gather wealth, have domination, go with the wicked and compromise on justice truth and love. Without all these we cannot build the kingdom of God! But we must keep in mind that, what is highly esteemed in human eyes is loathsome in the sight of God.

What will be the nature of eternal homes being prepared by the disciples of Christ if we have lost the essence of Christ?

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