
20 September 2022

... those who keep the Word

Jesus is on a journey proclaiming the Gospel, and ensuring life and forgiveness to all. Very often it came in his preaching that it is not merely hearing the Word, or calling Lord, Lord that makes the will of God being realised in our life, but it is in putting the Word into practice.

A virtuous person was to walk in the path of God in the guidance of wisdom. To act virtuously and with justice is more pleasing to the Lord than sacrifice. God is pleased to guide the hearts of the virtuous, because they are like flowing water that God can turn it where he pleases (Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13)

Walking with Jesus the master, the disciples learned not only to imitate, but to find the Way, Truth and the Life. Gradually they would find the Word as truth and life in them. Listening to the Father, the voice that he constantly listened to was that he was the beloved Son. The meaning of this voice never remained as a status or honour, it placed him on the path of fulfilling the will of the Father. He saw that all who seek the will of God in a sincere heart are all related to him and completing his mission. They would be his mother, brothers and sisters.

What was the mission of Jesus, and how are we to identify our part by listening to the voice speaking in our hearts? First of all, we must commit our ways to the Lord and trust in him, and he will act (Psalm 37:4-5). Committing our ways to the Lord is not merely passivity, it is an active and compassionate response to the daily realities relying on God's grace. Leaving our ways, and placing our trust in God is a costly affair, but then we are opening ways for God to act. God will open surprising ways of how we ourselves are engaged in fulfilling his will.

Jesus could see many great righteous people around him, but they did not have the heart of God. Those who really listened to him were given the power to become children of God. They become the mother, brother and sister to him. Anyone who receives the Word, conceives it and gives flesh, is born anew in Christ as his brothers and sisters.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, herself is the one who has lived it best. Let us walk with her to learn the life of Jesus, the meaning of the Word, and the Word made alive in us.

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