
2 September 2022

Value of the gospel

 The Word guides times and history,

so the true standard of judgment is the Word.
The real judgment of our truth is how much we have the Word in us.

What marks the Word in us?
What is the sign that the Word is alive in us?
It is the presence of the Gospel in our lives -
Truth, justice, mercy, compassion, love, forgiveness...
Christ becomes visible in us as a testimony to the world.

This value of the gospel is worthless for the standards of the powerful,
that is the foolishness of God, and what God finds wise in us who follow the gospel.
Playing a fool and resisting to learn things is not what God values in us.
Preferring the values of the gospel over power and wealth is the foolishness God desires.

We prefer to love the old wine of customs and traditions over newness of the Gospel. The old wine intoxicates, for it has lot of space for power and wealth. But we must know that the bridegroom is taken away.
Gospel speaks to time and history anew.

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