
1 September 2022

We belong to Christ

Our past has shaped us into someone unique with special beauty and ugliness within. We may have to bear the burden and pain of the past. Future calls us to move with its own concerns. Even an afterlife fills us with great concern about its details. 

"I am very regular to this programme in this channel," "I follow that writer/preacher/bishop," "I just wait for that spiritual magazine" so on may be familiar statements for us. We may be very faithful to the specifics of these visions and act accordingly. They are fine, unless and until they constrain our life within their frames. It is not easy to realise how our close affinities to these gradually turning into a bondage. 

What, then, is to be found to walk without stumbling? One need to look deep into one's own mysteries, longing, sighs and pains. 'Put out' into the depth, what we find is the emerging image of Christ from our own depths. What heaviness presses it down? What closes the doors of our core?  

Empty labour, failed attempts, harsh emptiness do suffocate us. There may be many more who are even more severely bearing similar helplessness. To our helplessness Christ would say, 'do not be afraid.' Having no fear in casting the net into the depths, having no fear in seeing the Christ image in our core, having no fear also in strengthening others in doing the same. That could be the meaning of 'catching men' in solidarity, kindness, care, action of justice and so on.

We belong to Christ. Belonging to Christ is not a political lineage. It means to be comforted in the providence of God. It is being rooted in Christ in relation to God as the children of God. Whether we are alive or dead we belong to God. Our beloved channels, programmes, preachers, Bible, the world, life and death, the present and the future, the afterlife concepts, are all our servants; but we belong to Christ. 

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