
10 March 2018

A Kiss for God, My Love

Can we, any time,
reach to a completion of love, 
kindness, compassion, mercy, tenderness etc.?
We cannot measure any of these qualities. 
If at all we have a bit of it, 
we surely want to deepen it more, 
whether we are receiving or giving. 
Though they are expressed in actions, 
we cannot limit them into the number of those 'things done.' 
If we boast of ourselves because of those deeds,
it is not a sign of growth.
The former looks for more resources within,
while the latter point towards themselves, and gradually begin to judge.

It can blind us, 
when these doings, counting, and judging are done in the name of God. 
A quality of our relation to God on one side, 
and the deeds claiming to please God on the other.

If I could love more,
I would throw  myself open in any ways possible.
There is no demand for reward. 
I could be some more, loving, merciful, tender, kind... 
A kiss for God, my Love

In the number of performance, I look towards how I am justified according to nominal standards. I list mine, and judge others'. I have fasted, attended full one month mass, held 100 hours adoration, even shared holy pictures to reach to millions. Now, I am not like those lawless youth who live in sin, those socialising families...

Have mercy on me Lord, in your kindness,
for I am poor and needy.
Give me courage to love, to be gentle, and to be tender.
I have failed, raise me up...
In you I put my trust

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