
6 March 2018

Joyful Smile at Conception

Look to the depths,
not to the heights..
In heights is enthroned the pride of the 'self,' and its many symbols.
The depths are tender,
and there is an open heart.
There we will see the child placed in a manger,
the smiling new born child who is called 'me.'
Wounded hearts, lives filled with poison,
may have offered a bitter treat.

If the smile has faded,
come down immediately from the domes and the steeples,
come to the womb of the heart..
to the fresh beauty of creation..
See once again..
the smile you had when you received the fresh life in the heart of the nature
the smile at your conception..

sacredness of the human is not becoming superhuman
nor dehumanising by devaluing or torturing the humanness.
In depths we can see the relatedness of our heart...
to God, nature, and others...
meditate, feel it, see it..

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