31 January 2022
Heavy is the pain and sorrow they carry
28 January 2022
What disturbed Aquinas
Sufficiently understanding ‘what is God?’ might lead us to understand the question ‘who is God?’ It is the same question that led St. Thomas Aquinas reflect deeply on the essence of God. He grew spiritually dared to examine the mystery of God. Our (Dominican) contemplative tradition is a process that involves our mind, experiences, reading, contemporary events, that can lead us to a genuinely personal experience of God.
A ‘personal’ experience of God is neither
an intellectual exercise nor an emotional fantasy. It is a search for the truth
that becomes a prayerful dialogue. This dialogue engages the feelings as well
as the intellect in order to avoid an impersonal exercise. True dialogue of prayer
reflects on our virtue, fault, truth, or mystery, temptations, sickness,
brokenness etc using the questions who, where, what, when, why, how, and with
what help. Thus, the very search for the truth of God also enables our gaze
onto the depths of ours.
Aquinas did not conceive God as a giant
super-being who created the world through his skill and power, and using
creation for his purposes. His world was not simply a gradation of being and
seeing a super-perfection in God. Aquinas’ vision of the world has its origin,
purpose, meaning, and goal within God himself. Creation can be embraced within
the essence of God as creation participates in being, finds its beauty, truth,
goodness in God. Creation reflects God and glorifies God. So, he followed ‘through
creation to the creator’ as a sacramental approach to find God. What shapes us,
and what forms us to be what we are, is ‘the Word.’ Creation, its processes,
qualities, law, morality, theology, virtue etc, all must reflect ‘the Word.’ Christ
is not just way, Christ is the exemplar for the humankind to become; he is the ‘head’
of humanity, the mind that guides history. All united to God in Christ. So, the incarnate Lord is the unifying factor,
grace of Christ is the bond within the great chain of being. His hymns and commentaries
are examples for the tender love which he had for God, the incarnate Lord, the
crucified, and the Eucharist.
Being, the nature of God, that any human
heart longs to find and to be consoled is a deep embrace of God’s unfathomable love.
It cannot be just for a single person, not just for humanity, but for the whole
creation. God has brought us into existence, shared his truth with us, adorned
with beauty, and found it very good and loved it. Can it be the experience Thomas
had about the essence of God; a truth so simple, so familiar that we
St Aquinas seemed to have asked often before
the crucifix, “Lord, am I right in what I have written?” We too need to critically
and sincerely re-reflect what we think of God. We don’t have to be adamant with Thomism as another
‘ism’ to show love for St. Aquinas. Thomism has lot of rooms for newness and
difference. Thomism is not a definition, final theory, it is a way, an
exemplar. In our time we need to ask ourselves - Within our life experiences,
and in the life of the church what really disturbs us calling out for the touch
of the spirit? What are our ultimate concerns? Does the incarnation of Christ
become a reality into these concerns of our life? How is the Word, the Christ
forming our visions, values, attitudes for our time? How do our longings,
struggles, questions, pains, temptations, falls, and even death becomes an openness
to the truth of God?
16 January 2022
God has wedded his creation in love
15 January 2022
Let your light shine
14 January 2022
No king in heaven
12 January 2022
Jesus healed them with authority
11 January 2022
What fills our hearts?
10 January 2022
Following Christ
9 January 2022
Sin bearer
Christ was not a superhuman. Our desire to
be and to make superhumans is the disaster that we have learned to be part of
ourselves. “He grew in wisdom, stature, and in favour with God and men” is what
is told about the growth of Christ. Does the perfect man in Christ indicate an
ideal physique and a mind without limitation? Love formed him in virtue and
perspectives. The same love must have challenged him in the context of the
human condition. They were dejected and harassed; they would faint on the way. Sin
is gracelessness and so lifelessness. To take away lifelessness is not a
magical act of making it disappear. Taking away sin can happen only by giving
life and grace.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
world must have born the lifelessness, hurts, bitterness, sorrows, heaviness
the humanity bore, and he is seen the weakest of all the humans. The miseries,
discrimination, unjust judgments and cruel prejudices of course created
conflicts with the Loving and merciful Father of all. Faith and trust have
their complete meaning and value when it is challenged to the core. The same
faith and trust give life to Christ. ‘Can I be the face of God to them?’ would
be a harsh challenge to face. Behold I have come is not the culmination, but it
is the readiness. Placing of trust is a moment both of a crisis and victory.
That is not just when he is on the way of the cross, but although his
life. Yet the weakest is affirmed to be
the Son of God in whom God was well pleased.
6 January 2022
Love that liberates
5 January 2022
Love that encourages us
4 January 2022
Love ensures life
3 January 2022
The Word came in Human Flesh
2 January 2022
Worth of God
തളിരുകൾ Reflections in Malayalam
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