
10 January 2022

Following Christ

Call to discipleship is a call to share in the life of Jesus. Sharing in the life of Jesus also fills every aspect of our life with Christ-likeness; our attitudes, choices, perspectives … There are some things essential in forming a Christlikeness in us. The first and most important thing is the affirmation that we are the children of God. How are we to go ahead? It is in the attitude “your will be done.” The whole reward and purpose of discipleship is Christ himself.

Often, we are pleased to adhere to a ‘miserable sinner’ identity. It also leads to a transactional relation with God, only to seek benefits and blessings. Christlikeness is a relationship of responsible love of the children. There the will of God surmounts our moments of life. It is not ‘my will,’ or ‘my kingdom’ that is realised. Then in our efforts also we can see the ‘great things’ done by the almighty. That is the graciousness and providence we are able to experience in our day-today lives. In seeking the will of God, and acknowledging the ‘great work’ of God there is a detachment from our ‘self.’ We can ‘leave everything’ because we know that they are all from the benevolence of God. Leaving everything has its meaning of joyful reception of the given. There is gratitude and generosity, not attachment to possessions, positions, and self. Our following of Christ is not for benefits and reward, not even for ‘attaining a place in heaven.’ We follow Christ in order to belong to him, and to be in him, that itself is the house of heaven, the Father’s house.

It is not just ‘the consecrated,’ or the ‘strictly religious and pious’ who are following Jesus. All who listen to their conscience, act justly and ensure goodness follow Christ, and the Word dwells in them. Being a fan of a religious preacher, a retreat center, or a religious channel does not ensure the Christ-likeness in us. ‘To be with him’ is a living experience once we begin to experience the constant presence of Christ in our everyday situations.

1 Samuel 1:1-8 Mark 1:14-20

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