
11 January 2022

What fills our hearts?

We have a world in ourselves. Our words, thoughts, views … are arranged according to that world. Some of us have this world full of devils. Everywhere they can see devils. Perhaps it gives sufficient explanations to whatever unpleasant things happen around. But they are filled with worries and insecurity. Though they pray to God, their concerns are mostly occupied with the works of the devils. Even in their attempt to escape they unknowingly fail to trust in God. They are unable to give grace a place.

Some of us have our worlds full of quotations from Scriptures, they believe that there is some magical power in those words. Relying on those ‘magical words’ they keep the living Word away. Similarly, some of us are always in search for better formulae (of prayers) to make sure of God’s blessing. The whole focus is gone to the required number and pattern of doing those prayers.

Jesus was author of his words, life, healing …, because there was fullness of life in him. He had authority over life. Our world also needs to be filled with life. Ask Jesus to fill it with life; graces, confidence, courage, hope, and strength.

Mark 1:21-28

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