
6 January 2022

Love that liberates

Just as love ensures life, love also liberates. True love is not just pleasing, it aims at the good of the other. Our love for God of course cannot add any goodness to God, but it gives glory to God. We may be ready to do anything to prove our love for God. We may by ready to do any heavy religious practice, or some may be even ready to die. Do our love for God reflect in our liberative approaches that we have in our human lives?

Liberative love is not a rebellion, so the love that liberates holds us in truth and peacefulness. God has loved us. If we have really experienced that it has also liberated us and has led us into peace. The response to that love cannot be closed within ‘religious’ deeds. Sincerity of our love for God is seen in our efforts for love, forgiveness, peace and reconciliation. This is what, in fact, liberates us. No liturgy, devotion, and piety has the depth to spread the freedom of God’s children in the absence of these things.

Do our claims of loving God hold the following signs in place? … bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, new sight to the blind, setting the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour. Can our love dare to ensure these things for ‘today.’ There, both love of God and loving God challenge us.
1 John 4:19-5:4 Luke 4:14-22

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