
12 January 2022

Jesus healed them with authority

Jesus not only spoke with authority, he also healed with authority. Sicknesses that he healed were not just physical ailments, they were also diminishing the human dignity. They were bound within labels that denied their status of the children of God. Healing them required, life, courage, compassion of heart, tenderness of his approach. That was the very meaning of incarnation. 

He healed them all gives us the assurance that he does heal us. He also wants us to be a community of mutual healing. Healing ministry of the church is not and cannot be a stage show. The healing ministry necessarily involves justice and truth. It involves justice, because healing not only touches wounds but also deals with what causes them. It involves truth because many does not receive healing because of ideologies based on fake information about sicknesses and healing. Expectation of magical intervention of God also becomes a hindrance to healing.

Here comes the test of faith; whether our faith is a customary rubric to be within a belief system or to place our trust and confidence in God. It does not make faith complete if it does not reflect in justice and compassion and see everyone as the children of God. In fact, true healing begins there, both divine and natural.

Mark 2:18-22

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