
16 January 2022

God has wedded his creation in love

God so loved the world that he covered the whole creation in a loving embrace. The Word became flesh. It is beautiful to contemplate that the beginning of creation is conceived by human mind either as a sacrifice or as a wedding. God loved the world and adorned it with beauty and goodness. It’s a great chain of mutual relation every object manifests its beauty. God rejoices over his creation as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride.

There are forces and energies that shape us. There are also damaged, weak, conditioned threads in the great chain that form the uniqueness of every existing thing. For the human, there is also a formation of consciousness, where we have the deposits of fears, inhibitions, prejudices, insecurities, worldviews, sorrows… Thus, uniqueness is both beauty and a tragedy. The issue of our inability to live our life in the fullness of grace is not whether Adam sinned or not. No one was able to flourish in the growth of grace that one can glorify God in celebration of our humanity.

In Christ, we have a new creation of ourselves. “You are to be a crown of splendour in the hand of the Lord, a princely diadem in the hand of your God; no longer are you to be named ‘Forsaken’, nor your land ‘Abandoned’, but you shall be called ‘My Delight’ and your land ‘The Wedded’; for the Lord takes delight in you and your land will have its wedding.” It is a personal experience of the embrace of God of ours in Christ. It’s the moment of transformation of water into wine. when the creator is reflected in creation, when we are transformed into the likeness of Christ, when the 'new man' is formed in us, we have the water changed into wine. Whatever we are, whatever we have is held together in the love of God.

Our healing means that we have a place in Christ. When water changes into wine, shame of our fruitlessness, lifelessness will be changed to joy. We are not becoming Bahubali, Hercules, or any superhuman. But, of course we shall become a human more fully, an anointed one, a lamb of God who bears the burden of gracelessness of others. As the sign of this joy we have great produce according to our nature. That is the taste of the wine, the celebration of being in the life of Christ. Not only humanity, the whole creation partake in it. The house at Cana, is to be the creation itself where the varieties of gifts are produced, shared, and received in gratitude.

The joy of wedding of God to the creation also asks us humans to celebrate the promises of the Gospel in the unity of Christ. We ensure the blessedness to one another through the grace that is at work in each one of us. There the gifts of various kinds are shared and the many injuries are healed, ensuring the kingdom of God to the poorly spirited, bread to the hungry, mercy to the merciful, land to the humble, satisfaction for those who are denied justice and hunger and thirst for it, acceptance and listening to the activists – the peace makers.
God’s glory will be visible, and the world will believe that Christ is alive.

Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11

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