
20 November 2021


We have different ways of narrating ‘afterlife.’ Many of our thinking about life after death is influenced by many popular imaginations, and by personal teaching of some channels and preachers. They may not be truly part of Christian faith. Jesus, in his teachings, was not giving us a detailed narrations about life after death. He taught us the truth about that. He showed us the reality of the resurrection which is granted by God the author of life. He did not teach us about ‘immortality of the soul’ which is a philosophical perspective explaining ‘our’ continuity of living.

With all their controlling power over the business of the temple, Sadducees were not a people who were alive. Pharisees, with their strict practices of law and rituals, also could not be alive. Scribes, having all knowledge of law and Scripture, also could not reach life. Jesus points to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who looked up to God in innocence of heart, and calls them as living. All are alive in God. All our relationships find their meaning and completion in God. In fact, God is alive in our sincere and faithful relationships. It is there we find the divine communion in our human reality.

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