
15 November 2021

Lord, I want to see

A time of crisis in religion is also a time of commotions. Some tries to compromise, and some to revolt. All will have religious reasons because when there is power struggle religion is an easy tool to manipulate truth and faith. A failure often happens in such situation is the failure to differentiate between the cultural changes and the real crisis in faith. All our attention is called upon those cultural issues at the cost of a genuine introspection on our faithfulness to God. Corruption within religious structures is conveniently overlooked, and the society is condemned for becoming ungodly.

If we have placed our ego and arrogance at the first place of importance, that is indeed the sign of abomination at the altar. If there is no sincere attempt for reconciliation and peace all the celebratory ‘Prayer Events’ are making mockery of God. If we have closed our gates against the Holy Spirit, there is no intention for interior conversion, what wonder can we expect from God from Daniel prayer, Jericho prayer … They only add to the commotions in the time of crisis.

It is important to cry out, “Lord, I want to see.” Sight is an experience of closeness of God. Healing of our blindness is to keep our eyes fixed on Christ and walk the path of life.

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