
1 November 2021

Saints Companions

We might like to believe the presence of ghosts and demons around us, but not saints. Ghost stories are more real to us because our fear is real though we have not reflected sufficiently about the reality of ghosts. 

However, saints are real. they are our friends and companions. A true friendship and confidence in sharing our life with them is something we need to learn in our relationship with the saints. They are not objects of devotion. Saints are not in our altars and niches, they are where we live our daily lives. Saints companions relate to us in charity. We are applying their patronage in connection with something specific in their life. Our sanctification adds their joy whose completion will be only when everyone is united in Christ. Communion of saints is not an association of saints gathered together, it is their union in Christ.

If we show devotion to the saints, it should not be only for favours. True essence of devotion is love. It is to be inspired to bear witness to Christ in our time and world as they did in their time. As in the saints God is glorified, God is glorified in our lives today. Thus the church becomes the visible presence of God. 

Seeing each of us as the members of the Church, can the world see Christ preaching, healing, comforting?  

What we miss today is a Christian conscience. To have a Christian conscience, first of all we need to have close acquaintance with the person of Christ in order to learn the attitudes of Christ. We also need to know the faith and the social teaching of the church. We also need to learn to see the face of God in events and people and in ourselves. We will be able to see godliness in ourselves and around us. It is a great struggle. But only with such a conscience we will be able to become people of the beatitudes. In one way in  solidarity with those who are deprived of what they deserve, and God is the only hope for us. in other way by becoming the gospel to the poor, bread to the hungry, justice for those who hunger and thirst for it, peacemaker, comfort and hope for those who are persecuted. To be in the company of the saints is a Gospel challenge.

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