
28 November 2021

Where God is not permitted to enter

God was expected to be there where people was not permitted to enter, in the holy of holies. But he was born among us. We seek the sacred, the sacred that fits into our ways of defining it.

There was a man very adamant and even arrogant about ways of worship. He believed that the messiah will be born in the hoy of holies which is hidden by a curtain. Alas, women were not allowed to enter there, yet he thought it will happen if at all it has to happen (was it called faith? I do not know).

He heard that the magi came to see the messiah and they went to Bethlehem. There they saw the child born of a family from Nazareth from where no good could come. God was always there where God was not permitted to enter (was it disobedience from the part of God? I do not know).

By the way he decided to go to Bethlehem. He went in procession with incense in front. As he reached the place, he saw a baby smiling in a manger. What rubbish! It is not the Messiah. He complained to the high-priest. It is blasphemy, we must kill the child. People who did not know the Scripture and the law opposed the attempt to kill the child. “They are enemies of God,’ said the high priest. “They are not psychologically mature to obey what we are saying.”

Somehow the child grew. They hated him, they were very arrogant on those who were with him. They spread utter lies about him, distorted his sayings. High priest was silent on the psychology behind, rather he defended them. “He is unable to think beyond Nazareth the region of the gentiles," they said. They were holy, religious, and righteous, and so they decided to kill him. He did it, fully in religious obedience.

Then they came to incense him, very religiously.

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