
26 November 2021

Word alive

In Daniel’s vision, all beasts that came from the sea had great power. But ultimate sovereignty, glory and kingship were given to one like the son of man. Amidst  fear, suffering, crisis and death, the overall picture is that the Son of Man leads the wheels of time. The Ghostly shadows of events reveal their meaning if we can see them within the Word. His words do not pass away, they are alive.

We speak for a time, we look for advantage by manipulating the meaning of events, we look for escaping from our time by suitable interpretations. We forget that our words and choices have its impacts on generations to come. In fact, when we make ourselves indispensable we are making ourselves the center of history.  His words are alive, not because the words have some magical power, but because the words which are spoken are truth and life. The Word is life. Word is not a group of symbols in language printed in Bible that we can use for special powers and blessings. Bible presents word as an event. Whole history is a single event, the Christ event. Every event had a message from God, meaning of which is the Word. The Word causes an event that speaks to us even beyond time.

Word has everything in wholeness. To Him belongs all time and all the ages; all glory and dominion is his now and forever. He has the light that dispels darkness, and fills the world with life.

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