
13 November 2021

Widow and the unjust judge

Jesus emphasized that God is not a judge through the parable of the widow before the unjust judge. The judge-god was beautiful because it would approve the righteous performances of the Pharisees and the Scribes. God who would show mercy to all would be a disturbance for their holiness because it challenges their privileges. God's attitude is not judicial in nature. God judges creatively to raise us to the fullness of life.

Father who cares for all consoles our distress. Of course, it is bitter to go through sickness and pain. God's constant presence offers peace and strength. God's action is not an individual insurance policy where it is a personal deal. Divine action sustains and enables the entire people of God to ensure justice in their community.

So, when we pray, first of all the primary motivation is the constant love of God. It gives us hope, not doubts about our worthiness, nor about thoughts whether God is happy or not, or God is angry and is punishing ... Secondly, may our prayer be simple and truthful. Father, I am tired, I am having unbearable pain, I am afraid, I thank you... would be the most sincere prayer. Thirdly, prayer needs to include our readiness for action, to realise the beatitudes and live out the reality of the kingdom of God.

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