
4 December 2017

Blessed Silence, a Gracious Waiting

Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist went through a rich journey of silence and waiting. Their names themselves indicate, that the time of reflective silence prepares us to open ourselves wide for grace.
Zechariah means ‘the Lord has remembered,’ Elizabeth means ‘the oath of God,’ or ‘satisfaction,’ and John means ‘the Lord is gracious’ or ‘the Lord graciously gave.’ 
“You will remain dumb because you did not believe my words” could be also an invitation rather than a punishment – to a silent reflection until he is capable of believing. Elizabeth, and John in the desert later, we can see, withdraw themselves into a reflective silence and waiting.

Whatever is given is to be contemplated,
            -  Givenness is to be remembered.
Whatever is received,
and whatever is yet to be received.

Everything is being pondered in the heart of God
- whatever we have, and whatever we lack.

Promises may not be promising, nor believable,
yet let them be meditated
- Silently, with grateful hearts.

Elizabeth who withdrew herself
Comes out later to praise a givenness -
“Blessed are you among women”
You have been given in the blessedness

How blessed was the waiting of Simeon!
The salvation he awaited, meditated,
“Now, my eyes have seen.”

We too may turn silent
in shame, loneliness, disappointment,
fear, and brokenness
Let that silent not be empty -
a meditative silence
Know that we are being remembered.
Everything is being pondered in the heart of God
- whatever we have, and whatever we lack.

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