
1 December 2021

Banquet of the Lord

Even before we were born the Lord has prepared a banquet for us through many loving and generous hands. Fruits and grain, water and juice, fragrance and colours God has prepared. Incarnation and sanctification begin with generous giving and an open reception. How generously can I give my life, and how lovingly can I receive what is given?

“They will eat and shall be satisfied” can occur only when people see each other without veils, without slavish chains. Even to eat joyfully we need the passion for life. God wipes away tears and comforts us, guides us to the fulness of life. More than power and richness God desires in us gladness and joy, a people look forward to the future in peacefulness. That is the great banquet God offers.

One serious thing in life how we deceive ourselves is by distancing ourselves from others and natural surroundings, the banquet tables. It is an illusion of our mind and escape from the real living presence of God when we speak too much about a direct experience with God, separating society and nature as worthless. We experience God's love, benevolence, providence, protection, embrace... through the people around and through the gifts if nature. They are often condemned to be worldly engagement. The worldliness is within ourselves which we often dearly protect. They are falsely justified, unfortunately, often with religious interpretations. So our deception embraces a religious colour. God is kept far away in the very name of God, and we miss the banquet. Experience of the banquet begins from how we generously give ourselves, and gratefully receive what God has given. It is not limited to a final moment reward, the banquet of the Lord is an every-moment living. Banquet of the Lord cannot be limited to religious celebrations and rituals. It is hearing the Word proclaimed in every surrounding through people, culture, natural dynamism … It is touching the moments of ordinary life with the sense of the sacred. Even before our ceremonial blessings they carry a blessing. Fruits, grains, oil, every drop of water come with graces, providence, healing, and love.

'Banquet of the Lord' does not make an exclusive sense pointing to our regular practice of receiving communion. 'Banquet of the Lord' is all inclusive of physical, emotional, spiritual fulfilment we receive. If we are sure that it is Christ who is there in the Eucharist, it will take us much deeper than Christ's death, sacrifice, resurrection, and the life that is given to us embraces all of us. So, the receiving of communion make us plunge into the life bond with the whole world. If we further realise that it is the Word that is made flesh that is received and celebrated, there is no difficulty in seeing and enjoying the banquet in our everyday surrounding.

Wed 1Wk Adv
Is 25: 6-10 Mt 15: 25-37

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