
5 December 2021

Prepare the way!

Being a Christian, what defines our life? Whether we are in family, or being a priest or a bishop if it is not Christ that defines our life, we have never thought of preparing the way for Christ. We may do a religious submission and be very faithful in cultic devotion (we are proud of 'that' Christian identity), the preparation can happen only if there is loving devotion. This is what Jesus pointed to when he mentioned how the people who call Lord, Lord, preach in the streets, and working miracles in his name really differed from those who do the will of God.

So the loving devotion means the readiness to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly before the Lord. It also includes untying the burden of the poor, feeding the hungry, protect the stranger, speak truth, and work for justice and make efforts for peace. ‘Saying’ thousands of prayers and making many penances without the desire for realising these, will only blind us. But if we have done it, our life will be defined as ‘Peace through integrity, and honour through devotedness.’ From this sense we can widen the reflection a bit - what defines our life as a human, as an earthling, and as a part of the universe?

How many generations had gone before Christ was born? Among them there were even kings, prophets and priests. Many have gone, and even their memory has faded. There are some significant among them who are remembered. They were the ones who had been already living the light of Christ though Christ was yet to come. If we are not prepared, the moments that the Messiah is revealed will pass just as any normal moment. If we are prepared we will see the star of the Messiah even in the most unexpected people and circumstances. Messiah will not appear in clouds in the sky; he will sprout and grow from the seeds sown. Prepare the way!

2nd Sun Adv Baruch 5:1-9 Luke 3:1-6

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