
14 December 2021


The virtue of sacrifice is costlier than the sacrificial rituals. Jesus, sacrifice was not ritual, nor was it modeled after any ritualistic sacrifice. He was made a victim, which was the cost of the Good News he preached. Life giving and self emptying was that sacrifice. Sacrifice and death are essential to any life to emerge and grow. Today sacrifice, both as virtue and as ritualistic sacrifice cannot have its meaning without keeping in mind those victimized species; whether it be indigenous people, migrants, or nature. 

If the sacrifice of the anointed is to be worthily administered in sacraments the suffering of these victims must be responsibly remembered in the sacrifice offered. Saviour's suffering cannot be celebrated without the worthy consideration of the sufferings of the saved. Here we cannot escape with the ritualistic sacrifice. Both the sacrifice of the mass and the adoration of the Eucharist demands sacrifice of ourselves. It cannot, and should not function merely as a devotion.

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