
8 December 2021

Mary Full of grace

Wandering in the valley of tears, how can we sing a song of joy? Weeping is worth, but it cannot take away seasons refreshing if we want to flower and give fruits. Mary sings the song of joy and hope gratefully acknowledging that God has done great things.

Mary lived a very ordinary life, laboured for livelihood. She lived the will of God, and taught Jesus too the will of God, as in a human way he needed to learn. God who sees the lowliness and feeds the hungry was very much in the vision of Jesus. Mary’s Magnificat is a song of praise about the personal experience of the beatitudes.

How could it happen? When others speak of miseries and tears, as they were harassed, despised and dejected as sheep without a shepherd, how could Mary find the comfort of the shepherd? God was alive for her in every moment and every object and every person. She saw light and beauty, not shadows and death, she touched the Word in and around her, loved the Word with deepest sincerity – a love beyond all telling.

How could it happen when others could not? Why do our pain and injuries burden us and cause lack of grace in us? We know that the hurts and injuries shape us and in turn we act on it, and the same things are given to others. We remain graceless and lifeless. Mary was preserved from every sin, she was filled with the fullness of grace. There was no lack of grace, no lack of life. Grace-lessness cannot be removed, but can only be filled with grace; life-lessness cannot be removed, but can only be filled with life. The chain of pain and injuries were broken in order that Mary may be conceived immaculate. Mary was born immaculate points to the grace at work for many generations. They were not perfect people, but even in the valley of tears they sought to keep the will of God. Every kindness they experienced was matter of great gratitude.

Grace was at work through many generations to bring forth a person to possess the fulness of grace that the Messiah may be born of her. Grace is at work in us to make a generation of healing. God calls us to be a generation that consoles one another, and ensures justice, a generation that establishes peace among nations, strangers, and among multiple species of living beings. We must open ourselves for receiving grace upon grace. We are to be a generation of healing if we want to bear in us a generation of blessing full of grace, so that truth and life may be real and full in our lives, and every flesh shall see the salvation of our God.

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