
2 December 2021

Will we miss his visitation?

When God comes, is he coming as someone outsider? Are we going to see God as someone totally strange? Are we totally strangers to God? Perhaps it may be surprise to us that we ponder the moments when God was actually present and we were looking elsewhere.

Though we are not sure, though we are in the night, yet we are sure of the day. Though torrents are strong, and waves are overwhelming we can have a sure safety amidst them when we know that God keeps us safe. That is why the Lord is the everlasting Rock. Only in placing trust in God we can be faithful to him and have steadfastness and peace. There is sure help from God, we will not be in despair and confusion. We can experience help, strength, protection and guidance. Upon this assurance, we can confidently build our home. Only trust and faithfulness can bring these into everyday experiences. Then God is never seen as a stranger as if we do not know what he does.

God is different from the god of the prosperity gospel who is expected do magic, and expects us to pay either by money or by pains. That god will pull us all around doing so many things in the name of God. God is not super-perfect, he does not re-create a world that is free of every human limitation. we will not be superrich and powerful rulers. What is sure is peace and contentment. God strengthens us in love to stand in time of tribulations. He has given the power to humanity to build a house that all can gather and be safe. Human tendency for divisions, injustice, plundering… will weaken the foundations. We have not known God though We may preach, heal, and repeatedly call out “Lord, Lord,” But may not be seeking the will of God.

Every touch of God is an anointing. The more we feel the tenderness of God’s touch, we will have more of assurance of God the everlasting rock. If we take them for granted now, we may not recognise him when he comes. We should not be framing faces for him in our customs and traditions. Emmanuel is with us in our ordinary lives. If we expect him only in extraordinary ways, He may pass by as a stranger. Advent alerts us. We should not miss it.

Thu 1Wk Adv Isaiah 26:1-6 Matthew 7:21,24-27

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