
21 December 2021

Leap of Joy

For many things that we read in the scriptures, an effort of imagination will bring great sense. One of those kinds is the imageries used for God’s love. God’s love is tender and spontaneous, it gives surprises and so fills us with joy. God’s love is passionate, it not only evokes dancing and singing God dances and sings with us. Imagine these joyous dances and songs of this creative love all around us, see the leap of joy in the emergence of new forms of creation. It is love everywhere, watching, calling, taking by hand, consoling, smiling, God's voice hissing in our ears. With eyes gently closed we can be immersed in this love with a satisfying smile.

Faced with miseries and pain some of us may not be able to go so romantic thinking of love everywhere. A compassionate or merciful face, a gentle word will give a touch of love to the world. There will be a leap of joy filled with the Holy Spirit.

December 21, 2021 
Song of Songs 2:8-14 Luke 1:39-45 Ref Zeph 3: 18

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