
26 December 2021

Family within the gospel pattern

The whole family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is shaped centering on Jesus and on the will of the Father about him. Seeing Jesus of different age, we can assume new modes of their relationship among themselves, and their neighbours. Beginning from the shepherds and the wise men, and the life in Egypt, in each stage their neighbours were different. From the family of Nazareth Jesus grew ‘in wisdom, in stature, and in favour of God and people. He was offered in the temple as per the customs, but he was not left there for the service of the temple. He was shown the sanctuary, the holy place, and the sacrifice among his neighbourhood where God really dwells. He became a member of the human family without boundaries of nationality, language and creed. According to the stages of this growth leaving home and embracing the cross the family could not be just watching.

As Jesus shapes their lives, Jesus is also moulded in a setting of his family. The life they lived and the conversations they had surely created a world vision for Jesus. The stories that Mary told were full of generosity, kindness, care, and goodness that was shown to them by many people who were ‘strangers.’

Shepherd who had no stories are given a story. They couldn’t afford to dream big, they had not great dreams. May not have thought about the great promises in the prophesies of Isiah. God among us meant to the poor/shepherds that they may be able to live in peace. Why did God wanted them to see? there is someone in need. Their heart was small enough to see the glory of God in a feeble child. We can imagine that they did care for the needs of the new born and the mother. In the shepherd there was a familial heart that cared for the holy family. It challenges the strangeness, suspicion and tendencies to be closed.

Every family has a story. But often we have stories that calls for revenge, suspicion, hatred, and enmity. Humanity needs stories, and retelling shapes the members of the family. Retelling creates a new womb, a world to live in. We need families that have stories of goodness, confidence, and hope. Retelling stories with new interpretation to sustain a new generation.

Stories controlling our lives from eco-nomics – household management are destructive to house and family of humanity and the earth family as a whole. Where some make profit and others are used, we cannot have a good house or family. It controls education, religion, and politics and does not let a livable story in function. When human greed manages the system there can be no household management. When religion and temple become symbols of human pride, and brood insecurity they cannot facilitate family bond. Today many lack confidence in a lasting relationship, many are afraid of making commitment, relationships are based on emotional dependency, many have problems in trusting, many cannot ensure a continuing presence. This leads to life making a trial-and-error method.

It would be very good if an angel told us every day what to be done, and how it has to be done according to what God wants. We know that it is in an open heart and sincerity in fulfilling our responsibilities and commitments that enable us to build and sustain a good family and community. What defines and models the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph was ‘doing the will of God.’ Jesus says, “…I have come to do your will,” “your will be done, I have come to do the will of him who sent me.” Mary says, “…behold the handmaid of the Lord,” Joseph ‘did what was told to him by the angel.’

We have the gospel as the model that defines our family. Gospel is not the parables and statements. Gospel is the person of Jesus, the power and grace given to every person and family. So a family lives together to live together the life principles of Jesus. Family retells the stories of the past in the light of the gospel, creating a new womb for new generation and a new world for them. In every stage of growth, we are met with different concerns. When they come within the pattern of the gospel, we are able to find the will of God.

Instead of being born in the temple God was born in a family. God prepared a family. God became man and dwelt among us in a family. God dwells in families. It is our choice to make a family where God lives.

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