
14 December 2021


Obedience is a beautiful word that is often spoken in religious context. Obedience loses its soul if we have not learned the obedience of Jesus to his Father. The reason to obey is not the power of authority but the relationship of the Father to his children. When we say yes, the courage is based on the trust the Father has placed upon us, not our capability for perfect performance. Even if we fail, we are not ashamed nor are discouraged. It is the Father who holds me close to do his will. Rebelliousness to God rises up when we don’t wait for discerning the will of God properly or we have not experienced being the children of God.

Christian obedience is exercised where the freedom of the children of God is experienced and sustained. A Christian authority is not to be seen as a seer who receives direct revelations from God. Instead, Christian authority discerns the will of God from the voices of the people as God speaks through them. Both the people and the authority act to fulfil the will of God, not the ruler’s project. Since it bases on a relationship, obedience in its truest sense is faithfulness to God and his will.

When seers say whatever they want, we are not obliged to obey. Often, they say what they want and claim it to be word of God. That which does not go in line with the life and message of Jesus is not word of God however noble they are.

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