
24 December 2021

The Word and the Herald

We heard many times that the blind shall see, the deaf will hear, the lame will leap with joy. The eyes are opened, the tongue is loosened and a voice is given, new life and joy has come. It is because God has visited us. Blessed be the Lord…is the song Zechariah sang in a new and free tongue and voice.

We have been preparing ourselves. Not just for the visit of God, but for the birth of God. There is a Word being made flesh, and a herald pointing to the Messiah. Mary sang praises of God because in her the Word became flesh. Zechariah also sang for the greatness of God. He also rejoices for the herald is born. We see Simeon and Anna praising God. Simeon says that he has seen the salvation. It is a fulfilment that fills us with peace.

It is a time to rejoice for these events being actualised in us too. The Word taking flesh in us, and becoming the herald seeing and announcing truth, grace, life… light. It is by the grace of Christ we have these both. We reflect truth in a specific way that we are gifted with. Yet we praise God seeing the growth of Christ in us. By what we reflect we are also pointing to the fullness of Christ which we know only in communion with others. So, “you O child, will go before the Lord, to prepare his way before him.” Once we have seen the light, life grace and truth in us and others, what fills us is peace. It is to us today.

2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-12,14,16 Luke 1:67-79 Ref Is 35:5,6

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